

The Bike Ride Maps website specialises in cycling maps and guide books. The site is designed and run by myself, Mike Carden. I also research and source the maps and guide books on the website, and provide information and advice where I can.

I am a cyclist and have ridden many of the longer routes within the UK. I started, as many do, with the C2C (twice) and then the Reivers Route. Since then I have cycled the length of England and the length of Scotland, much of it on Sustrans National Cycle Network routes such as the Coast and Castles South route and the Lochs and Glens North route.

I have also toured the Lake District and Devon, including the Devon Coast to Coast cycle route.

Some of my cycle journeys have become books:

  • The Full English
  • A Bit Scott-ish
  • A Lake District Grand Tour

You can find these on the Bike Ride Books web page and on my author page, MikeCarden.co.uk.

I hope you find the website useful.

Enjoy your cycling.

Mike Carden

Mike Carden